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Film • 2012


Hopes, Dreams and Challenges of a Young Boy Living with FASD

The dangers of drinking alcohol in pregnancy are often raised by the medical profession and the media, but there is less awareness about the lifelong effects harmful alcohol consumption can have on the neurodevelopment of children exposed to alcohol before birth.

Tristan aims to highlight this issue by documenting the plight of a 12-year-old Indigenous Australian boy who has a severe form of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).

The film is both confronting and courageous in its ability to transport the viewer to north-west Australia to experience the hopes, dreams and challenges facing Tristan.

Tristan is a follow up to the film ‘Yajilarra’. 

Once the women of the Fitzroy Valley put a circuit breaker into the community via the alcohol restrictions they wished to care for the children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). I felt very moved by the leadership of the women and very privileged capturing the voice of the children with FASD. It takes a lot of courage to allow a filmmaking team into the lives of kids who have such a personal challenge on their hands. I thank very deeply Marmingee and Geoff and also Tristan who trusted me deeply. I honour and admire them for being there for each other.

Tristan Poster


The film was been produced as part of the Lililwan Project, a research collaboration between Marninwarntikura Women’s Resource Centre and Nindilingarri Cultural Health Services in Fitzroy Crossing; The George Institute for Global Health and Sydney Medical School at The University of Sydney.

The Governor General launched the film at Government House in 2012.

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